Nilkamal Freedom Mini Small – FMS Multipurpose Plastic Cabinet (Deep Blue & Grey)

Nilkamal Freedom Mini Small Series Cabinet – FMS




Nilkamal Freedom Mini Small Cabinet

The Nilkamal Freedom Mini Small cabinet unit is small-yet-strong, compact, sturdy and so light that it can be carried around easily. It is also know as Nilkamal FMS. it is a multi-purpose cabinet to store all your items and can be placed in any part of the house. One shelve for convenient storage. Nilkamal Mini Small It requires minimum maintenance that makes it a must buy. Nilkamal Freedom Mini Small price available on Vijay Deals is Best and Competitive. We offer Delivery of Nilkamal Freedom Cabinets throughout India. You can Buy Nilkamal Freedom Cabinets Online on Vijay Deals.



Additional information

Weight 6 kg